i  -9.2°C - E 11.7 km/h Light Breeze

Telkwa Caribou Recovery

The Motor Vehicle Closure in the Telkwa Range has been approved. Closure came into effect July 1, 2018

We’ve been working with the Provincial Fish and Wildlife Branch to develop a permitting system for the Motor Vehicle Closure. Once I have confirmation that this permitting system is a go, I will pass along a summary of the process. I do not anticipate it will be in place for summer access to Starr Basin and Grizzly Plateau, so we will have to stumble our way through this summer. I will be in touch over the next week to confirm 2018 dates for summer access and how we will issue these permits. Please stay tuned.

June 30, 2018

Download the pdf file which includes: map of close area.
more detailed info

Note: set your printer to "Print Background (colors & images)" to print the google map.
